July Concerts

This July, Ms. Grigorian and Lukas Geniušas perform another lied recital at the Bayerische Staatsoper, as part of the Munich Opera Festival on July 7th, presenting pieces from their 2022 album Dissonance, featuring works by Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky. She then makes her debut with the Thurn und Taxis Schlossfestspiel Regensburg, to perform in an Opera Gala alongside tenor Dmytro Popov on July 14th. The programme features arias and duets by Puccini and Dvořak. Modestas Pitrenas conducts the Hofer Symphoniker.

For tickets and more information on the Munich Opera Festival recital, click here.

For tickets and more information on the Schlossfestspiele Regensburg opera gala, click here.


Macbeth available on DVD


June Concerts